Courage Media Coverage


The Province newspaper

Courage to Come Back Award winner overcame blindness, kidney disease to help others click to read article on The Province website
by Susan Lazaruk


Courage To Come Back: Medical recipient shines light on unsung heroes click to read article on News1130 website
by John Ackermann


The Courage To Come Back Awards is getting a buzz in the media.

Global BC

Our sincere thanks to our Platinum Media Sponsor, Global Television BC for this wonderful PSA.

CMH Courage to Come Back Nomination Dec8


We are very proud that NEWS 1130 is again a sponsor of The Courage To Come Back Awards. Courage Awards Chair Lorne Segal was interviewed the NEWS 1130 team.

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Courage To Come Back Awards ready for nomineesclick to read article on News1130 website

The Province newspaper

We are very proud that The Province is again a sponsor of The Courage To Come Back Awards.

Courage To Come Back: Recipients of 2015 awards make compelling case for nominationsclick to read article on The Province website

Wendy St. Marie and Jim Mandelin, both recipients of 2015 awards, took part in an event Wednesday to launch the campaign for this year’s nominations. Photograph by: Arlen Redekop, Province

Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Times

Nominations for annual awards now open in Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadowsclick to read article on the Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows Times website

Vancouver Courier

Captain Courage click to read article on The Vancouver Courier website

CBC Radio One

Fred Lee report on upcoming events during the Rick Cluff morning show.

Click play button to listen.